Snake Plissken Wiki

Dr. Cronenberg was a scientist employed at New York Maximum Security Penitentiary.



When S.D. "Snake" Plissken was given the mission to rescue President John Harker from the prison, Cronenberg was ordered to inject him with capsules containing explosives, in order to ensure he completed his task. After injecting him, Cronenberg told Commissioner Bob Hauk to relay this information to Plissken. Hauk explained the injection to Plissken, who angrily began strangling Hauk. Cronenberg intervened, assuring Plissken that the explosives could be deactivated by x-rays upon completion of his task.

When the President's vital signs flatlined, Cronenberg assured Secretary of State that this was possibly just an impact upon the President's bracelet.

Later, Snake's mission was successful and Cronenberg deactivated the explosives with only a few seconds to spare.

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